Samsung Flip – Cool digital Flipchart with a lot of potential

Samsung Flip – Cool digital Flipchart with a lot of potential

Samsung Flip – Cool digital Flipchart with a lot of potential At IBV, we all focus on digital transformation of teamwork, meetings and collaboration. Therefore, we tested the Samsung Flip for several days to see how this device can improve the way we are working together. Our last analogue flipchart

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IBV presents CollaBoard at Swissbau 2018

Surface Hub, CollaBoard, Training

Swissbau is Switzerland’s largest trade fair in the construction industry. This year’s edition, which took place on January 16-20 in Basel, featured a special section on Digital Transformation in construction. The Innovationlab showcased the new technologies that should support and enable designing, building, using, and operating structures in digital ways.

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Hold Dynamic Presentations with CollaBoard on Surface Hub

Hold Dynamic Presentations with CollaBoard on Surface Hub

Convince your audience with a new type of digital presentation. With CollaBoard you can use a new medium to share your knowledge and let your prospect interact with your presentation. No linear structure prevents you from adapting your exposition to the needs of your viewers. Capture your audience’s imagination and

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