New CollaBoard Templates

New CollaBoard Templates

CollaBoard is more than just a simple digital whiteboard. To make it easier for people starting the new way of working, CollaBoard contains a special selection of templates. We revamped all the templates and they appear in a new look now. We have templates for: Creativity Workshops Marketing & Sales

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Holding Digital Workshops on the Surface Hub

Value Propostion Canvas with CollaBoard, Digital Workshops

Traditional workshops require all participants to be in the same room. But the digital transformation is changing the way we work. Employees work from different locations and companies prefer to avoid having them travel to the main office for every meeting or workshop. Business trips come at a high price

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Get out of your Comfort Zone

Comfort Zone

There is something which is quite familiar for most of us. Not for all us, but for, I’d say 60 to 70% of us. And it’s the Windows UI. As you know, during the past few years, it didn’t change that much. Yes Microsoft added a lot of features and

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Bring Your Own Device (BYOD): You


BYOD, an acronym we heard several times in the last year or so. Now it seems a bit obsolete because, as we very well know, technology runs faster than the blink of an eye (or maybe because marketing did a darn good job at the time!). A “buzzword”, or a cool word, that has been used several times to apply something that was so obvious for a lot of people but somehow it was not really happening in the business world. Bringing your personal device, from home to the office, and connect it to the domain/active directory or whatever you have/had in the workplace. Why? Because it’s easy, fast, efficient…. (fill in the blanks with any other powerful word you can think of!).

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