New CollaBoard Feature: Project Templates

New CollaBoard Feature: Project Templates

In the latest version of CollaBoard (1.3.52) we implemented a new feature: project templates. These are predefined projects filled with the right tiles to easily jump-start a meeting, a brainstorming session or a workshop. At the moment you can choose from a total of six templates: here’s how to use them.

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How to Improve Collaboration in the Workplace

CollaBoard is IBV's productivity app designed to improve collaboration in your workplace.

Imagine how productive your team would be if you could dramatically improve collaboration in your workplace. No more delays, unalignment, or duplicate work to stall your business, hinder your progress and make you lose precious time. Great collaboration brings increases in profit and is for some the secret to success; it is a subject that has been attracting a renewed attention in the past few years.

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