Touch and Ink on the rise Last week we attended the DELL Technology Forum. Compared to last year, it was a completely different experience. Why, you may ask. All of the answers can be found in this blog post. First, the keynote presentations were not done using powerpoint slides anymore.
Tag: Digital Transformation
Digital Workshop Meetup
On the 5th of September, IBV hosted the first digital workshop meetup in Switzerland. The goal of the meetup was to experience several workshop techniques by only using digital tools. The meetup took place at the IBV Collaboration Space in Bonstetten (Zürich). The IBV Collaboration Space provides the latest technologies
How to use Kanban in CollaBoard & become productive
Are you looking for an easy way to become more productive using digital tools? Sadly, there is no secret to be perfectly productive 100% of the time. BUT, we have the tools to make it a lot easier for 99% of the time! In this blog post we will show
Hold Dynamic Presentations with CollaBoard on Surface Hub
Convince your audience with a new type of digital presentation. With CollaBoard you can use a new medium to share your knowledge and let your prospect interact with your presentation. No linear structure prevents you from adapting your exposition to the needs of your viewers. Capture your audience’s imagination and
Holding Digital Workshops on the Surface Hub
Traditional workshops require all participants to be in the same room. But the digital transformation is changing the way we work. Employees work from different locations and companies prefer to avoid having them travel to the main office for every meeting or workshop. Business trips come at a high price
Get out of your Comfort Zone
There is something which is quite familiar for most of us. Not for all us, but for, I’d say 60 to 70% of us. And it’s the Windows UI. As you know, during the past few years, it didn’t change that much. Yes Microsoft added a lot of features and
Surface Hub Essentials – Get started
After more than a year of experience in dealing with Surface Hub customers, we have an idea on how different teams and Organizations use the Surface Hub on a daily basis. The What We collected hundreds of feedback and we also realized how different the Hub (or any other Team