How CollaBoard supports you in higher education

Online learning has become a major topic over the past few years. Especially for people in higher education, that are learning extra-occupationally, online learning is a great way to combine job and education. Our goal is to support your learning process. Here’s how you can use CollaBoard in your education journey.


Maintaining a work-life-flow can be hard. But what if you add the “learn” to your life? You will need some proper planning to fit everything into your schedule!

First, we need to ensure that all school material is available at any time, either on a drive, cloud or all in one project. Thereby, you can be more flexible and use shorter periods of time, like a train ride, to study as well.

Working with a Kanban Board in CollaBoard

Secondly, figure out how to structure your work load! Here at IBV we love using the Kanban tool, that you saw in the picture above. With columns like “to do, doing and done”, you can easily keep an overview. The Kanban in CollaBoard supports visualized planning with all of the app features, like colorful sticky notes, files, images and browsing.

Thirdly, learning smart is going to be more fun. If you enjoy your studying, your brain is more likely to memorize it, and seeing progress enhances us to continue. Once started, it’s a never-ending cycle of productivity and self-growth.

The skills and qualities adapted through smart learning are going to radiate onto your work and life. “Work hard, play hard”, they say. So, if you study and work successfully, you will enjoy the leisure time to its fullest. That’s what a work-learn-life-flow is all about.

The next part will show you, how you can learn effectively online.

P.S. Did you know that IBV is part of the Swiss Work Smart Initiative? Learn more about how we work smart here.

Effective Online Learning

There are different learning types. Do you know which one you are? (If not, take the test).

Most people cannot be categorized to only one learning type. Instead, they perform best using a combination of multiple learning techniques.

Unfortunately, most institutions do not have the possibilities and/or time to support all learning types equally. Reading needs to be done at home (which most probably at least 50% don’t do), haptic learning is time-consuming and expensive.

However, if teachers start to let students work on their own and learn according to their type, everyone has the possiblity to maximize their capacities. Every student can be creative and work efficiently, but not everyone does it the same way.

Our step to step guide for effective online learning:

  1. Find out what learning type you are
    If you have no idea how your brain learns best, you will not be able to be effective. As said before, the chances are high for you not to identify with one type only.
  2. Try it out (really, do it!)
    For every learning type, there are multiple techniques. Try out all of them, maybe even in different subjects. With time you will find out which one suits you best.
  3. Train your brain
    Simply said, you will need to practice. A lot. No pain, no gain.
  4. Use multimedia-friendly solutions
    Multimedia-based content has one huge advantage compared to conventional methods. It triggers the hearing, seeing and reading.

Learning effectively on your own is a very important skill and needs to be practiced regularly. Yet, there is another component that supports our learning process: the team. That’s what the next passage covers.

Learning in a Team – Emotions and Cognition

“80% of educators believe positive emotions are critical for academic success” it says in the paper emotion and cognition in the age of artificial intelligence. With that being said, it has to be our goal to make online learning as positive of an experience as possible.

Science says, that people thrive on challenges. Once they accomplished them, their brains distribute endorphins, which support the learning process, as different parts of the brain get activated and connected.

What would be more of a challenge, than working with other people in a team? To make teamwork a positive experience, we need to ensure, that everyone finishes as a winner. Hence, the team needs to accept the challenge as a whole and use every member’s personal strengths to successfully accomplish.

With CollaBoard teamwork gets revolutionized. Not only is it possible to collaborate location- and time-independently, but also to collaborate online in real-time.

The Economist Intelligence Limited 2019

Read more about the international research about emotions and cognition in education:

Microsoft Education Specialist Partner

We are very happy to announce, that IBV is now a Microsoft Education Specialist with CollaBoard.

The Microsoft Education store provides all the tools to support your online learning experience. From basic mathematic graph vizualizations to vocabulary learning apps and all-embracing collaborative whiteboards, you will find everything.