New CollaBoard Feature: Project Templates

New CollaBoard Feature: Project Templates

In the latest version of CollaBoard (1.3.52) we implemented a new feature: project templates. These are predefined projects filled with the right tiles to easily jump-start a meeting, a brainstorming session or a workshop. At the moment you can choose from a total of six templates: here’s how to use them.

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5 Tips for More Effective Group Work

Effective Group Work with CollaBoard

Group work at school, university and even at the office can be a challenging assignment. It is necessary to have all team members understand each other, contribute, find compromises and reach a consistent outcome in a limited amount of time. Still, it doesn’t need to be difficult. With a few simple strategies, you can dramatically improve collaboration in your team and make group work more effective. Here are five common issues of group work solved for you.

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Customer Engagement Made Easy

Customer Engagement Made Easy with CollaBoard

In a global market, we all need to make quick decisions: evaluating all possibilities before buying a product or service is extremely difficult, if not downright impossible. In this climate, the real competitive edge is held by the companies able to create meaningful relationships with their customers, by listening to their needs and proposing the right solutions while being innovative. This is customer engagement in a nutshell, and it doesn’t have to be hard; in fact, we prepared a list of tips that will help you ensure good relationships with your clients.

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How to Improve Collaboration in the Workplace

CollaBoard is IBV's productivity app designed to improve collaboration in your workplace.

Imagine how productive your team would be if you could dramatically improve collaboration in your workplace. No more delays, unalignment, or duplicate work to stall your business, hinder your progress and make you lose precious time. Great collaboration brings increases in profit and is for some the secret to success; it is a subject that has been attracting a renewed attention in the past few years.

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Happy Holidays from IBV

Christmas, Happy Holidays

The end of the year always brings with it important reflections on the work done so far. This is even more true for eventful and intense years, such as 2016 at IBV. It is just natural to look back to move forward, always one step closer to our vision, but also to take a moment and be proud of all that we accomplished in the past 12 months.

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How to Pick the Right Present with CollaBoard

Find the right present with CollaBoard

The holiday season is upon us, and shopping stress is increasing. Gift-giving is a wonderful tradition, but one which also requires quite some work. Unfortunately, the amount of available free time is always the same, which will punctually translate in hectic weeks ahead, long queues, and general research frenzy in order to find the right presents. Right? Not quite so.

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Building your New Way of Working

Your New Way of Working - CollaBoard by IBV Informatik AG

Flexibility, BYOD, v-teams, co-working, freelancing, outsourcing… In the modern world, each innovation in technology is considered the ultimate evidence that the business world is on the verge of a radical change. The reality often looks much less dramatic. Here at IBV, we like to talk in more concrete terms.

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How the Surface Hub Changes our Meeting Culture

How the Surface Hub Changes our Meeting Culture

It was a very special day at IBV, when our 3 Surface Hubs arrived about 3 weeks ago. As a software company you do not receive two palettes with big boxes every day. We unboxed the devices immediately and our internal support integrated the Hubs into our company network within

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