New CollaBoard Features: Multi-User and Multi-Ink Support for the Surface Hub

Multi-User and Multi-Ink in CollaBoard - IBV Informatik AG

The Surface Hub has been designed to be a team device. This means multiple users can work on it at the same time. Being creative and doing compelling teamwork is more and more important in the business world, and the Surface Hub is the first device offering a good solution for the modern workplace companies have been trying to implement in the past few years.

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CollaBoard Nominated for the “App Creator of the Year” Award

CollaBoard nominated App Creator of the Year

Some great news hit us a few days ago: CollaBoard, our Real-Time Collaboration solution for the Surface Hub and all Windows 10 devices, has been nominated for the “App Creator of the Year” Award by Microsoft! The nomination comes as a result of the cutting-edge technology we used to develop CollaBoard. Microsoft realized how powerful, innovative and productive the app is, leveraging the latest Windows 10 technologies as Cortana, Ink, Touch and Dial.

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Disruptive Minds Think Alike

work like da vinci

I started thinking about this while I was reading “Work like Da Vinci” by Michael J. Gelb. It hit me like a rock, it just happened. It became clearer when, about 7 years ago, I was doing a presentation to some former colleagues. The presentation was about applying what I learned from that book to our work, our job roles, our goals.

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Bring Your Own Device (BYOD): You


BYOD, an acronym we heard several times in the last year or so. Now it seems a bit obsolete because, as we very well know, technology runs faster than the blink of an eye (or maybe because marketing did a darn good job at the time!). A “buzzword”, or a cool word, that has been used several times to apply something that was so obvious for a lot of people but somehow it was not really happening in the business world. Bringing your personal device, from home to the office, and connect it to the domain/active directory or whatever you have/had in the workplace. Why? Because it’s easy, fast, efficient…. (fill in the blanks with any other powerful word you can think of!).

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The Impact of the Surface Hub on our Digital Transformation

CollaBoard on Surface Hub

The Surface Hub brought about a completely new way of working and helped us with the digital transformation of our workplace. It has been almost one year since we integrated three of them into our offices, and they already replaced our projectors, flipcharts and videoconferencing equipment, but also positively impacted our work in many other ways.
Read more on how the Surface Hub influenced the daily work at IBV.

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New CollaBoard Feature: Project Templates

New CollaBoard Feature: Project Templates

In the latest version of CollaBoard (1.3.52) we implemented a new feature: project templates. These are predefined projects filled with the right tiles to easily jump-start a meeting, a brainstorming session or a workshop. At the moment you can choose from a total of six templates: here’s how to use them.

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How to Make your Virtual Meetings More Personal

CollaBoard, your Surface Hub app

Having constantly productive virtual meetings is an ongoing challenge. There are many factors influencing the success of a virtual meeting, and generally, of a virtual team. Controlling and improving all of them is very difficult, if not impossible. So how to make virtual meetings more effective? What we found out is that engaging in a more personal way during and after meetings increases the level of attention. We therefore put together some tips for you to make your meetings more personal.

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5 Tips for More Effective Group Work

Effective Group Work with CollaBoard

Group work at school, university and even at the office can be a challenging assignment. It is necessary to have all team members understand each other, contribute, find compromises and reach a consistent outcome in a limited amount of time. Still, it doesn’t need to be difficult. With a few simple strategies, you can dramatically improve collaboration in your team and make group work more effective. Here are five common issues of group work solved for you.

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Manage Your Projects. New Features in Version 1.3.40

Manage Your Projects. New Features in Version 1.3.40

We just released a new version of CollaBoard! Now it’s even easier to access and manage your projects.
When loading a project, you will now see a list of all the projects you created or joined. You can also add project titles for a clear overview. When creating a new project, you can add a title right away to speed up collaboration. Let’s see how to use these new features in detail.

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